
… the most auspicious of blogging starts.

A friend asked for help with setting up a blog, and I’ve set mine up to find out how. The why is clear and has been since Web 2.0 decided it wanted to change what interacting online was all about – basically moving from one-way traffic to Maltese traffic. That is, everywhere and all over the place, not necessarily in the direction it’s supposed to go, nor that is humanly possible to go. It just goes. Everywhere.

So blogging democratised the Internet universe, making it all ours to scream in, laugh in, moan at everything in. Suddenly be professional grouches and die little deaths in. Rant and be political. Or just shed a tear for a lost love. Shout raucously with laughter, or just titter  embarrassedly in ways that avatars and constructed personas only can permit.

So this is my first blog. Might be my last for a long while. Not much time to write. Too much research to be done. Too many corrections. And a children’s book is waiting to be finished … well, two, actually. Or is it three?

I won’t be missed. Blogs are like the small branches on trees in a massive forest. So many out there that not even Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs can signpost a way out if you initially go in.

And there’s more than one wicked witch. Lots more.

A blog less means the tip of one small branch on one of the trees is missing.

Might decide to cultivate it later, though…

6 thoughts on “Not…

  1. Richard Muscat

    George, you are a never ending story…! I like the idea. Keep it up and wish you well. You may include some of your splendid cartoons, why not? I agree with you to keep it Uncategorized…no niche, but free as a bird. You are like that, no?

  2. I think you could have a lot of fun with a blog. An opportunity to ‘say everything’, on your own platform, without mediation – that’s pretty empowering.. 😉 And as Richard said, a spiritual home for some of your wonderful cartoons, perhaps.

  3. Merħba fid-dinja tal-bloggati u bloggejra, fejn il-ħsieb joħroġ spontanju u fejn nehdew naqraw u ninqraw. Fejn kull opinjoni tgħodd u tingħadd u fejn nikkritikaw u napprezzaw u fuq kollox fejn nillatikaw basta bir-rispett kollu… merħba.

    1. Grazzi, Jacques. Mhux l-intenzjoni li nipprovoka jew inqażżeż, imma jekk nagħmel hekk ma jkun ġara xejn. Minn dejjem emmint li ngħid li għandi ngħid, u wara naraw. Hawn l-idea (bla ħsieb u bla ppjanar) hi li darba kultant ngħid li nħoss. Naraw x’joħroġ.

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